Friday, August 04, 2006

The Missunderstanding of the Fifth Floor

Friday night we had dinner at a local pub, that makes really good food, and serves it on the prettiest plates, watched baseball and drank som beer before goig to a bar a friend recomended that was in Harajuku. It was suppoused o be placed on the fifth floor in a house next to a famous coffe house, and it was suppoused to have yarn in the seling. We didnt find the fifth floor, but we found a bar called, from what we can make out of it, "the missunderstanding of the fifth floor". Excellent drinks and charms(snacks/tilltugg) superfriendly staff and nice drinks! DonĀ“t we just love secret littel bars that we have to find by desription! (thanks Martin) And some places will never be done justice if you take pictures of them, they just have to be seen live.


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